Friday, August 21, 2009

Band #9 (9/1/09)- Floral Terrace

Floral Terrace

Left to Right- Brian, John, Justin, George

Genre- Alternative/Indie/Rock

Location- Haverstraw, New York

For fans of/sounds like- All Time Low, Plain White Ts, Taking Back Sunday, Cute Is What We Aim For, Mae, Anberlin, Bayside, RHCP

If you only listen to ONE SONG by Floral Terrace, you MUST listen to... One Shot Clover

About Floral Terrace/why they rock/ why you should check them out- So sometimes I get friend requests from bands on Myspace, and sometimes, they totally suck, but sometimes, they're totally awesome. Floral Terrace is totally awesome (why would I blog about them if they totally sucked?). There's something totally iresistable about "Flo Teezy's" tunes- extremely catchy but not annoying in any way- almost like a non-whiney version of pop-punk. Floral Terrace is alternative without quite fitting into any specific, niche genre. "Something Better" tastes a little like Mae or Bayside, but with some of the pop sensibility possibly heard in All Time Low. "One Shot Clover" has some of the emotionality of Taking Back Sunday but with vocals that are a little rougher around the edges, and a piano part in the bridge that makes it a little more sophisticated. Floral Terrace is a little bit vulnerable without sounding like they're begging for attention, which is what makes them totally awesome.


Are you in a band, or do you know any awesome bands that you'd like to "nominate" to be in the 100 Bands Project? Comment here or send me an email at, with the band name, myspace/website link, band location (city and state/country, or if you'd prefer, a region- "Southern California", "New England", etc.), genre(s), what bands you think you sound like, band photo and member names (L to R, and what instrument they play), and anything else you think I should know about the band (if these things aren't available on the myspace). I'm open to solo artists, too. If I like your band, and I think other people will too, I will include you in the 100 Bands Project. Note- to be included in the 100 Bands Project, the band MUST be unsigned, there MUST be at least 3 original songs available for listening on Myspace or the band website, the band MUST currently be active (no broken-up/on hiatus/inactive bands, please), and all band members MUST be extremely good-looking. Just kidding about the last one, although it's a plus. ;)

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